January 1,
"Rocío Heredia, as featured artist of BTDesign Art Gallery
in December 2001 has participated the second edition of the
Master Art Award of BTDesign, "The Master of 2001". Her work
was highly appreciated by the International Jury who voted her Second
place in both "Best Artworks" and "Best Art Site"
categories and Third Best Artist of the Year. It is BTDesign's pleasure
to award Rocío of this special badge, with the best compliments of the
jury and gallery owner."
Barbara Tampieri.
Dear Rocío:
Congratulations... You have made 3rd.
place for the Master of 2001 Award, and the 2nd. for Special Juried Award
for Best Artworks and 2nd. for Special Juried Award for Best Artsite.
I enclose the special badge I made for Best classified artists in
the Master of 2001. I hope you like it !
Sincerely, Barbara Tampieri , BTDesign Art Gallery. Rated