Rocio Heredia, Designer Metalsmith - Traditional Metalwork Techniques of Chasing and Repousse. Artist of the Mexican Contemporary Generation.

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Society of North American Goldsmiths


Society of North American Goldsmiths - SNAG was founded in 1969 to serve several purposes: to provide a meeting-place for contemporary jewelers and metalsmiths; to encourage the free exchange of information inside the field; to promote the field to a wider audience; and to recognize outstanding creative achievement. The term 'goldsmith' was chosen for its honorable history, but the Society is intended to appeal to all contemporary jewelers and metalsmiths.     

Link to The Society of North American Goldsmiths

You can use the SNAG banner and code for linking to the Society of North Americans Goldsmiths. Right click on the image, save it on your server and copy and paste the corresponding code on your page or just insert the next code:

Potete utilizzare i seguenti banner. Copiate le immagini sul vostro server e utilizzate il codice apposito, non dimenticando di completarlo con il percorso esatto dell'immagine.

Puede utilizar el banner y el siguiente código para enlazarse a la página de SNAG. Haga click con el botón derecho sobre la imagen, grábela en su servidor, copie y inserte el código correspondiente en su página.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="468" height="60" alt="Society of North American Goldsmiths" style="border: 0"></a>


                                          Banner Designed by Rocío Heredia - Logo © SNAG